
She’s soft like a
baby’s bottom all
over with bones that
bend a little if you
press hard.

She’s soft with hard
diamonds eyes
that soften like
driven snow
when she’s happy.

Her gaze sliding
and slipping everywhere
like a new skater
in a rink.

Eyes that miss nothing.

Her blessing.
Also her curse.

And her elephant’s memory

She can hurt
herself like no one can

That’s why she fears no one.

Her eyes are hard leather,
she’s seen so much world.

But when she’s happy
her eyes are soft like
a rabbits tummy
and she’s soft like
a melting
monsoon cloud
with a bubble gum

About ramanujshastry

Judgmental, self-obsessed, pompous, unbalanced and brilliant. In that order. View all posts by ramanujshastry

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